This is what it is all about!
A weekend camping and buggying trip to Pembrey Beach in South Wales with a good smattering of the boys attending. Two days on the beach, and one night with a CLSC Club barbecue and beer to boot. Look at the weather in the piccy - what another perfect weekend.
Saturday was gorgeous with on shore winds meaning the full length of the beach was possible. Sunday was a lot different with cross shore winds, but still made for an entertaining afternoon. Generally it was 'big kite' weekend but that didn't hold back the fun. Some loonies even tried to get to grips with the 'suicide gybe'! It was caught on video, so maybe I will put it up at a later date! Good try Al, I think you have got it sorted!
The car and buggy trailer was overloaded with kit, but it seems to do the job perfectly. The trailer is definitely the way to go for anyone pondering the best way to transport these bugs.
I guess that I might just have to 'try' Pembrey again at the beginning of October. Let's hope for some late summer weather and autumnal breezes. Adios.